Cuz it's Friiiiiday!!! I have been wanting to link up with Lauren at the little things we do for awhile now. So I am so excited to link up today!! My very first The last movie I saw was This is odd, but it was Hendricks Motorsport Story. I loved it, but it so doesn't reprsent my movie tastes at all. So, the movie before that one, that i watched, was Black Swan. Wild. I liked it, but i can't say i loved it...too many unanswered questions for this chickee.
2. I want to party like its 1999.... or just have a drink with the hubs tonight by the fire!
3. Surprises are the best form of my anxiety! I love em, but I need to figure them out first! Lol!! But me love giving surprises!
4. The best accessory is a wicked bag & killer earrings!
5. My favorite warm drink is my first cup of coffee. Every morning
6. My favorite cold drink is pepsi. Bad i know...
7. Currently loving This article i just finsished reading about the amazing people in Vancouver that came together to clean up that awesome city. Ugh. That riot is a disgrace & does not represent the people of Vancouver or Canadian hockey fans, at all. I kinda wish that game, just never happened.... Opps, i'm suppose to talk about what i love...the ariticle, I do love!! Also loving that it's FRIDAY!!!!!!
Hugs & Love